Perfumed essential oil with Lavender, obtained by distillation from fresh vegetable material from organic cultivation and from only the balsamic portion selected by hand, flower by flower. Its pleasant fragrance is very useful for relaxation and to fall asleep peacefully.
Format: 10ml
Early honey, as the dandelion is among the first flowers that bees visit on the wide grassy expanses in spring. The honey produced by it seems to bring the sunny and luminous aspect of the flower into the color. It has a particularly fast crystallization and creates a soft and creamy mass. With a pungent smell and a taste reminiscent of chamomile infusion, it is a honey, which, like the plant from which it originates, is characterized by a purifying action on the liver and kidneys.
Format: 300gr
Organic syrup with mint essential oil, a syrup that brings with it all the freshness of mint and all its tonic and thirst-quenching strength.
Format: 500ml
Mixed vegetables in olive oil is a delicious and tasty appetizer that contains all the flavor and crunchiness of freshly processed and handcrafted vegetables. A perfect mix of vegetables, excellent as a taste but also very beautiful to the eye.